Judith Cummings

"I look to engage with the environment studying and painting what inspires me, particularly the quality of light, which can produce wonderful atmosphere and emotion. I paint quickly using somewhat abstract loose brushstrokes aiming to give life and energy to my work."


Judith has lived and worked in Devon for most of her life. She is a self-taught artist, working in oils and painting a mixture of landscapes, still life and portraits. Much of her recent work has been focused on painting both seascapes and landscapes with subjects taken from the coast and countryside near to where she lives in East Devon. She can very often be spotted painting on one of the beaches along the beautiful Jurassic coast regardless of the weather or time of the year.


Judith has shown her work in many prestigious exhibitions, including The Royal Society Marine Artist, The Society of Women Artists, The Royal West of England Academy, The Discerning Eye and The Ruth Borchard Self Portrait Prize Exhibition.